Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Dogs Skin & Coat

A dull, dry hair coat or excessive shedding is often a sign of physical stress in dogs. It is important to pay close attention to any changes in their appearance to monitor for health complications and discomfort. Continue reading to learn how grooming, nutrition, outdoor hazards and stress play into your dog’s well-being as well as how you can […]

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Everything a Dog Will Teach You

Dogs are much more than a simple companion. They can teach you many things about life if you let them. Their spirit, temperament and personalities are rich bundles of joy that we are lucky to experience. The range of enlightenment they can provide is wide, but here are a few of our favorites:   How to […]

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How Vitamins & Minerals Became a Miracle

Dogs. They are more than man’s best friend. They are constant companions of young and old, travel buddies, working partners on the ranch and sometimes even serve as short-term “baby-sitters.” For dog owners, most can’t picture their lives without their furry friends. So, you can imagine the angst for Abby Maas and her family when […]

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Fast Facts About Fireworks for the Anxious Animals

Fireworks! While they are enjoyable for us humans, they can be an enormous stressor for our animals. According to the American Humane Association, July 5th is the most active day of the year for animal shelters. Without proper prevention, dogs can end up in a state of panic causing them to get lost, injured, or […]

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Keep Your Canine Companions Healthy

Man’s best friend, the dog, has become a more integral part of most of our everyday lives. As veterinary care and technology evolves, dogs are living longer, healthier lives. As dog owners and lovers, we can help support this healthy lifestyle by providing adequate nutritional and digestive support. Dogs are monogastrics, but unlike pigs and […]

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