A Good Gut Feeling

Vitalize® is a line of products for dogs with proven solutions to keep your animal healthy and performing.




When Can Dogs Get Pregnant in Their Heat Cycle? 

When Can Dogs Get Pregnant in Their Heat Cycle

Dogs – they are man’s (and woman’s) best friend. Without puppies, we can’t keep falling in love with these fluffy balls of enthusiasm and entertainment! But puppies don’t just happen. It takes some careful planning to breed the female dog to get the next litter of pups.  So, when can dogs get pregnant in their […]

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A Guide to the Dog Heat Cycle 

dog heat cycle

If you like dogs, chances are you love puppies. To get puppies, the female dogs must go through their reproductive phase, just like every mature female. But, just like every female, the dog heat cycle is a little different.  The dog heat cycle, also known as the estrous cycle, is a natural reproductive process in […]

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How to Provide Nutrition for Pregnant Dogs 

nutrition for pregnant dogs

Cravings. Bloat. Prenatal vitamins. It sounds like somebody’s pregnant. Except, this somebody is your best four-legged friend. Nutritional considerations for pregnant dogs are not that different from a human, except they shouldn’t simply eat their way through their cravings.  At Vitalize®, our team of dog lovers wants to ensure your pup’s pregnancy goes without a […]

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