A Vitalize® Guide: Dog Parasites

dog parasites

Dog Parasites

Is your dog more sluggish than usual? Are they scratching up a storm? They may have parasites. These unwelcome freeloaders love turning our pups into their personal all-you-can-eat buffets. From sneaky worms to bloodsucking ticks, dog parasites can cause a range of issues, from mild discomfort to severe health problems, including life-threatening conditions. 

So, what should you do? Well, there are a variety of high-quality preventative products on the market, and we ALWAYS recommend consulting your veterinarian. However, effective parasite prevention encompasses more than regular veterinary care and the use of preventive products. 

It also requires quality nutrition. A well-balanced diet strengthens your dog’s immune system and boosts their physical well-being, helping them resist parasitic invaders. That’s why supporting your pet with dietary supplements is so important. When it comes to giving your furry friend the dietary edge in the battle against dog parasites, Vitalize® has you covered. 

Vitalize® Can Help Protect Your Pup 

The Vitalize® team is made up of dog lovers just like you. When it comes to nutrition and quality supplementation, we also want the best for our own dogs. We focus on nutrition because we know that good nutrition influences every facet of your dog’s life. Everything from overall health and well-being, coat and skin health, dental health, general attitude and, of course, parasite resistance. 

Now, we’re not saying Vitalize products can treat parasitic infections or repel dangerous bugs and bacteria. It’s not a treatment solution for dog parasites. What Vitalize can do is support your dog’s physical health and supplement the results of quality preventative care. 

If that interests you, you can find Vitalize supplements at any major online retailer or shop through our online store

Dog Parasites: A Comprehensive Guide 

Our mission with this blog is to provide a comprehensive guide to parasites and how to protect your pup. 

After all, when it comes to battling parasites in dogs, knowledge is power. By understanding the types of dog parasites, adopting preventive measures and ensuring optimal nutrition, you can help your dog lead a healthier, happier life. So, what do you need to know? 

Nasty Little Buggers 

Parasites are tiny organisms that live on or inside a host, feeding off their nutrients. In dogs, parasites can be internal, like worms, or external, like fleas and ticks. 

These unwelcome guests can cause a variety of health issues, ranging from mild irritation and itching to severe illnesses, such as anemia, malnutrition and even life-threatening conditions like heartworm disease. Parasites can weaken a dog’s immune system, leading to secondary infections and overall poor health. In extreme cases, parasitic infections can even cause death.  

That’s why preventing infection in the first place is so important; it keeps your pups healthy and happy. The best way to do that is to understand what you’re dealing with. 

Types of Dog Parasites 

There are two types of dog parasites: internal and external. 

Internal Parasites 

Internal parasites live within a dog’s body, often inhabiting organs such as the intestines, heart and lungs. They feed on the host’s nutrients, blood or tissues, leading to malnutrition and other health issues for the dog. 

  • Common symptoms of internal parasites include: digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting, systemic effects such as lethargy and anemia and potential organ damage, especially with severe infestations. 
  • Diagnosis typically requires: fecal exams, blood tests or imaging to detect the presence of these parasites. 

Unsure which parasites are internal? Here are a few of the most common types of internal parasites your dog may have to deal with: 


These spaghetti-like worms can cause digestive issues, weight loss and a bloated belly. 


Tiny but dangerous, they latch onto the intestinal wall and can lead to severe anemia and weakness. 


These flat, segmented worms cause itching around the anus and can be seen in a dog’s stool. 


Residing in the large intestine, whipworms cause diarrhea, weight loss and general poor health. 


Spread by mosquitoes, these parasites live in the heart and can cause life-threatening heart and lung disease. 

External Parasites 

Unlike internal parasites, external parasites reside on the surface of the dog’s skin or within its fur. They feed directly on blood, skin cells or bodily fluids, which causes immediate discomfort and irritation. These parasites can lead to secondary bacterial or fungal infections due to scratching and biting at irritated areas. 

  • Symptoms of external dog parasites often include: itching, redness and skin inflammation, with visible signs such as fleas jumping or ticks attached to the skin. 
  • Diagnosis typically requires: a physical examination, during which the veterinarian may find the parasites or signs of their presence. 

Unsure which parasites are external? Here are a few of the most common types of external dog parasites you may have to deal with: 


Tiny, jumping insects that cause itching, skin infections and can transmit tapeworms. 


Bloodsucking arachnids that can transmit serious diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. 


Microscopic parasites that cause mange, leading to severe itching, hair loss and skin infections. 


Small insects that cause itching and discomfort and can lead to anemia in severe infestations. 

How To Prevent Dog Parasites 

Treating the symptoms and aftermath of dog parasites can be difficult. In some instances, those health impacts can permanently change your pup’s life, diet and needs. That’s why we encourage you to think about dog parasites through the lens of prevention. None of these nasty bodily intruders are untreatable, but your furry friend’s life will be better if you never even have to. 

Preventing parasites in dogs requires a multifaceted approach. It includes regular veterinary check-ups, using prevention products, maintaining a clean environment and following good hygiene practices. It’s no small feat. So, what does all that look like in practice? 

1. Regular Veterinary Check-Ups 

Routine vet visits are crucial for early detection and prevention of parasites. Veterinarians can perform diagnostic tests, such as fecal exams and blood tests, to identify any parasitic presence before symptoms become severe. 

Regular check-ups also allow vets to tailor a parasite prevention plan specific to your dog’s needs, considering factors like age, lifestyle and existing health conditions. Early detection and prompt treatment can prevent complications. They also help you keep on top of your dog’s overall well-being. 

That’s why regularly visiting your vet should be an essential part of your pet-care routine. 

2. Parasite Prevention Products 

There are various products available to prevent parasites, including oral medications, topical treatments and collars. 

  • Oral medications are easy to administer and often cover a broad spectrum of parasites. 
  • Topical treatments are applied directly to the skin and are effective against external parasites like fleas and ticks. 
  • Collars provide long-lasting protection and are great for dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors. 

Each type has its pros and cons; for instance, oral medications are generally very effective but may cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs. When choosing a product, consider your dog’s specific needs and lifestyle, and consult your vet to find the most suitable option. 

3. Environmental Control 

Keeping your home and yard clean is vital in preventing parasitic infestations. Regularly clean your dog’s bedding and toys to remove any potential eggs or larvae. Ensure your yard is well-maintained by mowing the lawn and removing any standing water, which can attract mosquitoes that carry heartworms. 

As gross as it may be, safe disposal of pet waste is also crucial. Lingering feces in yards or indoors can harbor dog parasite eggs. If unresolved, this can lead to reinfection or infection in other pets and people. 

By maintaining a clean and safe environment, you can significantly reduce the risk of your dog coming into contact with parasites. 

4. Hygiene Practices 

Regular grooming and bathing play a significant role in parasite prevention. Grooming helps you spot any signs of parasites early, such as flea dirt or ticks and keeps your dog’s coat and skin healthy. Bathing with a vet-approved shampoo can help wash away any parasites that may be lurking on your dog’s skin. 

Additionally, after outdoor activities, check your dog thoroughly for parasites, especially if they have been in areas known for ticks or fleas. Good hygiene practices not only keep your dog looking and feeling its best but also serve as a frontline defense against parasites. 

Implementing these measures can significantly reduce the risk of parasitic infestations and ensure that your canine companion stays healthy and happy. 

The Importance of Feeding Your Dog Right 

The 5th step to preventing parasites in dogs? Ensure quality nutrition. That starts with feeding your dog the right things and supplementing its diet where necessary. 

We all know a well-balanced diet is good for your body. That’s not news. But this is especially true for dogs. Diet often makes the difference between a healthy, active, friendly dog and a sick, lethargic, aggressive dog. Setting your dog up for success in every facet of their life requires quality nutrition. 

A Balanced Diet Helps Battle Dog Parasites 

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining a dog’s overall health and well-being. Good nutrition provides the necessary building blocks for the body to function properly, and this includes the immune system. A strong immune system is a dog’s first line of defense against parasites and other diseases. 

Ensuring proper dog nutrition strengthens the immune system by supplying it with vital nutrients that play specific roles in immune function. 

For instance, proteins are essential for the production of antibodies and other immune cells. Vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants, protecting cells from damage and supporting the body’s defense mechanisms. Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate the immune response. 

Learn more about Dog Nutrition in this blog post → 

By feeding your dogs a diet rich in essential nutrients, you can help ensure that their immune system is robust. This supports them in fending off infections from dog parasites. After all, a well-nourished dog is more likely to be healthy, active and less susceptible to any bodily invaders. 

Vitalize Supplements Ensure Quality Nutrition  

One way to ensure quality nutrition: include Vitalize in your dog’s daily routine. Vitalize is a line of supplements with proven solutions to keep your furry friend healthy. 

Vitalize products are powered by two proprietary ingredients: AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility, and MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. 

Unsure how those ingredients might help your fur baby battle parasites? Well, 70% of the immune response is found in the digestive system. A better diet leads to healthier dogs. 

Don’t believe us? Studies show that dogs that have been fed Amaferm experience better health outcomes during birthing, early life care and breeding.  

Curious about the products we have available? We’ll break them down for you. 

Vitalize® Dog  

Vitalize Dog is a granular vitamin and mineral supplement for dogs designed to support breeding and performance. It contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, omegas for healthy skin and hair and a high-quality blend of vitamins and minerals for daily support of any diet.   

Vitalize® Alimend® K9   

Vitalize Alimend K9 is a liquid product for dogs that supports gastric health and GI tissue and may relieve occasional gastric issues. In addition to Amaferm, it contains MHB3®, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid that coats the stomach and supports GI tissue integrity. It also contains beta-glucans to support the gut and immune system.   

Vitalize® Dog Gel   

Vitalize Dog Gel is a prebiotic and nutrient-rich gel for dogs. It immediately supports the digestive and immune systems. It contains Amaferm and MOS to help normalize gut microflora and the immune system. The gel works fast to support appetite and hydration.   

Vitalize® Trixsyn® Canine   

Vitalize Trixsyn Canine is a liquid product for dogs. Trixsyn products feature MHB3, a patented high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. This ingredient supports hip and joint health and boosts mobility.   

Vitalize® Trixsyn® Canine Performance   

Vitalize Trixsyn Canine Performance is a liquid product for dogs that supports total mobility utilizing hyaluronic acid. It supports hip, joint and soft tissue health. The performance formula helps maintain a normal inflammatory response and supports normal exercise recovery. 

Debunking Myths & Misconceptions About Dog Parasites 

So, we’ve reviewed the fundamentals of dog parasites. We’ve discussed common types, how to prevent parasitic infection and how nutrition plays a role in your dog’s immunity. We’ve even reviewed Vitalize products and the ways they supplement your dog’s nutritional needs. 

What else can we possibly say about dog parasites?! 

Well, in fact, quite a bit. There are a variety of misconceptions and myths about caring for canines, ranging from reasonable to downright silly. This is especially true regarding dog parasites and preventative care for infections. So, what is fact and what is fiction? 

We’ve compiled the 3 most common myths about supporting your pup against dog parasites and debunked them for you. Here’s what you need to know: 

Myth 1: Indoor Dogs Don’t Get Parasites 

Many pet owners believe that indoor dogs are safe from parasites, but this is a common misconception. While keeping your dog indoors does reduce the risk of certain parasites, it does not eliminate it entirely. 

Internal parasites, like roundworms and hookworms, can be transmitted through contaminated soil, food or feces, which can be brought into the home on shoes or through other pets. Fleas and ticks can hitch a ride on clothing or other animals, finding their way inside. 

Indoor dogs also need regular veterinary check-ups and parasite-prevention measures to ensure they remain healthy and parasite-free. Vigilance is key, as even the most well-protected indoor dog can still be at risk. 

Myth 2: Natural Remedies are Always Safe 

Natural remedies are often perceived as safe and gentle alternatives to conventional medications for parasite prevention and treatment. While some natural remedies can be effective, they are not without risks. 

Essential oils, for instance, can be toxic to dogs if not used properly. Diatomaceous earth, a popular natural flea treatment, can cause respiratory issues if inhaled. Furthermore, natural remedies may not be as thoroughly tested or regulated as conventional products, leading to inconsistent results. 

It’s important to consult with a veterinarian before using any natural remedies to ensure they are safe and effective for your pet. Balancing natural approaches with professional advice can help you make informed decisions about your dog’s health. 

Myth 3: Parasite Prevention is Only Necessary in Warmer Months 

Another common myth is that parasite prevention is only necessary during the warmer months. While it’s true that certain parasites, like fleas and ticks, are more active in warmer weather, they can still pose a threat year-round. 

In many regions, winters are mild enough to allow these parasites to survive and infest pets even in colder months. Additionally, internal parasites like roundworms and hookworms do not follow a seasonal pattern and can infect dogs at any time of the year. 

Consistent, year-round parasite prevention is essential to protect your dog from these threats. Regular treatments and check-ups will help ensure your pet remains healthy and parasite-free, regardless of the season. 

Get your Vitalize Today!     

Helping your dog stay healthy while preventing dog parasites can be daunting, but you’re not alone. Vitalize is here to help keep your furry family healthy and happy. 

We have made purchasing Vitalize as easy as possible. You can visit a local retailer to purchase Vitalize products. Take advantage of our Where to Buy tool, and find a Vitalize retailer today.    

Perhaps you prefer the convenience of online shopping. Well, you can shop online or visit one of our online retail partners and have Vitalize delivered right to your front door.    

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Want to learn more about other ways to take care of your furry friends? Visit the Vitalize blog today and sign up for our electronic newsletter.  

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