Why is My Dog Eating Grass? 

why is my dog eating grass?

Our pets have some peculiar habits. It would be nice if they could tell us exactly why they do what they are doing. However, there are definitely times when we don’t want to hear what that judgmental chihuahua has to say to us.  

One practice we don’t want our dogs to get into the habit of is eating grass. Dogs are not natural grazers. We don’t turn them out to pasture like we do with horses and other livestock. We provide them with much love, care, and their favorite dog food.  

You might ask, “Why is my dog eating grass?”At BioZyme our team consists of dog lovers –of all breeds – so we wanted to create this blog to answer this question for you. 

So, Why is My Dog Eating Grass?  

It’s not uncommon for dogs to eat grass, and there can be several reasons why they do it. Here are some of the most common explanations. 

Stomach Upset 

Some dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach, as a way to induce vomiting. This can be an attempt to alleviate discomfort or to clear out something that isn’t sitting well with them. If you see your dog eating grass followed by vomiting, it likely has an upset tummy. Especially if this is a random or unusual experience.  

If grass eating persists, you should definitely consult with your veterinarian to determine whether it is a stomach upset or another underlying issue. 

Dietary Needs 

Your canine companions might eat grass because they lack certain nutrients, such as fiber. Although dogs are primarily carnivorous, they sometimes crave plant material to meet dietary needs. If your dog’s diet is low in fiber or unbalanced, they might turn to grass as a supplement. 

Switching dog foods and offering a balanced diet should help eliminate the need for your dog to think it needs to eat grass. 

Boredom or Stress 

Dogs might eat grass out of boredom or stress. If a dog lacks stimulation or exercise, they may engage in behaviors like grass-eating to relieve boredom. Similarly, stressful situations might trigger this behavior as a coping mechanism. If your dog is kept in a fenced-in yard with no extra attention or dog toys to play with, it could revert to eating grass out of sheer boredom. 


Funny as it may seem, some dogs just like the taste and texture of grass. This can be especially true if the grass is fresh, soft, or has morning dew. Think of this as a habit that you might enjoy like crunching on an ice cube or chewing on a straw. Your mom or dentist has probably advised against the habits, but you simply enjoy them. 

Natural Instinct & Exploration 

In the wild, canines and other carnivores sometimes eat plant material as part of their natural diet. This behavior may have become an instinctive trait in domesticated dogs.  

Dogs also explore their world through their senses, including taste. Young or curious dogs might eat grass to investigate its flavor or texture. 

If eating grass is short-lived with no vomiting or side effects, consider yourselves and your dog fortunate. If eating grass persists or nausea is present, you probably have a problem and need to consult with your dog’s veterinarian. 

What Should You Do If Your Dog Eats Grass? 

The more important question might be why is my dog eating grass, and should I be concerned? The answer from our Vitalize Team is a very definite “yes.” We offer some suggestions on what you need to do when you see your dog eating grass. 

Observe Behavior 

If your dog occasionally nibbles on grass and doesn’t show signs of distress or discomfort, it’s usually not a cause for concern. However, if grass-eating is frequent or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea or lethargy, it could indicate a more serious, underlying issue. 

Make sure to consult your veterinarian if you notice any worrisome behaviors or indications your fuzzy friend is struggling with underlying health concerns. 

Ensure a Balanced Diet 

Provide a balanced diet with enough fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. If you’re unsure, consult with your veterinarian or a canine nutritionist to ensure your dog is getting everything they need. Dogs do require fiber in their diets and will rely on grass for that daily requirement if they are not getting enough in their dog food. A simple switch of dog food could provide all the necessary nutrients, including fiber to eliminate the need for eating grass. 

Also, be sure you provide your dog with plenty of cool, fresh water, both inside and outside. If your dog is outside for long periods of time, be sure it has a water bowl accessible to it. Sometimes, dogs eat grass to stay hydrated. 

Provide Stimulation & Exercise 

Make sure your dog has enough exercise, playtime, and mental stimulation. This can help reduce boredom and stress-related behaviors. Play with your dog daily and buy toys that are safe for it. Don’t simply turn your dog out into a fenced area never to play with it. 

Dogs enjoy playtime, and they need exercise. Most will play fetch non-stop, and if you are going on a walk, put a leash on your dog and take it along. The exercise will benefit you both from a health standpoint, and the walk will help eliminate boredom in your dog. 

Check the Environment 

While, of course, we don’t want our pets to eat grass, there’s only so much you can do to stop it. That’s why, if you know it’s something your dog does, ensure the grass hasn’t been treated with harsh chemicals. Avoid areas treated with pesticides or fertilizers, as these can be harmful if ingested. If you see your dog eating grass, for example in a neighbor’s yard or public park, find out if any fertilizers or pesticides have been used to ensure your dog’s safety. 

If you’re concerned about your dog’s grass-eating behavior or if it coincides with other worrying symptoms, it’s best to consult a veterinarian. Working closely with your veterinarian will rule out any underlying health issues and ensure your dog is healthy and well-cared for. Your vet can also suggest a great high-fiber dog food or treat that can safely help your dog. 

Vitalize can Help 

As mentioned earlier, at Vitalize, we own, love, and care for our own dogs. We know that dogs love us unconditionally, and when we return that love, that is part of our care that comes full circle. 

We have created a line of supplements for horses, dogs and cats with proven solutions to keep your animal healthy and performing. These products include solutions for gut health and joint health. So, if you are asking why is my dog eating grass, we’ve got products that you are going to want to try! 

Vitalize® Alimend® K9 

Vitalize Alimend K9 is a liquid product for dogs designed to support gastric health and GI tissue and which may relieve occasional gastric issues. It contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility. It also contains MHB3®, a patented high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid that coats the stomach and supports GI tissue integrity, and Beta-glucans support the gut and immune system. 

Vitalize® Dog 

Vitalize Dog is a granular vitamin and mineral supplement for dogs designed to support breeding and performance. It also contains AO-Biotics® Amaferm®, a prebiotic research-proven to enhance digestibility, omegas for healthy skin and hair, and a high-quality blend of vitamins and minerals for daily support of any diet.  

Vitalize® Dog Gel 

Vitalize Dog Gel is a prebiotic and nutrient-rich gel for dogs designed to immediately support to the digestive and immune systems. It also contains AO-Biotics Amaferm, plus MOS (mannan oligosaccharides), to help normalize gut microflora and support the immune system. The dog gel works fast to support appetite and hydration. This quick response product is ideal to have on hand for when your dog does decide to eat grass and vomit. 

Want That Good Gut Feeling?  

You probably noticed the common thread among the Vitalize line: They all contain the research-proven prebiotic Amaferm. The BioZyme family of brands was built on the foundation of Amaferm. The Vitalize line carries these products powered by Amaferm to give your dog a #goodgutfeeling. Why is that important?    

We know that 70% of the immune response is found in the gut, so if you keep your dog’s gut healthy, their overall health should be in stellar condition, too. That is why providing products with Amaferm is so important to us. Research shows that Amaferm increases digestibility. Further canine studies show that dogs that have been fed Amaferm experience: 

  • 26% improvement in general health 
  • 67% improvement in appetite 
  • 14% improvement in stool consistency 
  • 74% improvement in skin and hair 

With overall health improvements like those, why wouldn’t you want to feed your furry canine kids the best? Why wouldn’t you give them products with the Amaferm advantage? 

Get your Vitalize Today     

Help your dogs feel better. Give them something good to eat that gives them a #goodgutfeeling.  That way, you never have to ask, “Why is my dog eating grass?” again. Get your Vitalize today. We have made purchasing Vitalize as easy as possible.    

You can visit your local dealer to purchase Vitalize products. Locate a dealer near you, today.    

Perhaps you prefer the convenience of online shopping. You can shop online and have Vitalize delivered right to your front door.    

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Want to learn more about other ways to take care of your canine companions? Visit the Vitalize blog today and sign up for our electronic newsletter.   

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